
Services| Overview

  • Well Location Characterization: documents all structures, improvements, and wellhead features and attributes.  Calculates area for reclamation purposes. Positional accuracy is less than 1 m which meets Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) regulations.  Includes photo documentation as well.  (Details)
  • Pipeline Documentation: documents pipeline and location using visual inspection or right-of-way (ROW) markers.  Options exist to incorporate "as builts" depth, calculate over the ground distance, etc. see Disclaimer 2(Details)
  • Truck Routing: CNCC_LLC can add your company supplied locations to off –the-shelf GPS navigation units, e.g. -- Garmin Nuvii.  Options exist for obtaining geospatial data for your company locations.  See Disclaimer 4 regarding navigational efficiencies. (Details)
  • Training: instruction of listed or customized courses at your site or via distance -- delivery.  Special fees may apply.  (Details)
  • Landscape Analyses: customized, scientific investigation of the landscape, flora, fauna, topography, or bathymetry.  (Details)
  • Aerial Photography: color aerial images embedded with geo-coordinates.  Special prices and certain restrictions apply.  (Details)
  • Data conversion: converts hardcopy or other non-GIS information to GIS data format.  Priced by the hour.  (Details)
  • Real Property Inventory: spatial and attribute data collected to your accuracy requirements.  Priced by the hour.  (Details)
  • Information Technology Help: technical help in setting up your servers, network, or workstation technologies, especially as it pertains to GIS.  (Details)
  • Data Project Details: CNCC_LLC provides all data collected and used in analysis.  (Details)
  • Google Earth format: many circumstances do not require the expense and complexity of professional GIS software.  Truck routing and asset tracking are good examples of this.  CNCC_LLC can provide data in KML/kmz format for use in Google Earth, a light client, freeware mapping application. see Disclaimer 3.   (Details)
  • Office charges: pre-and post-data preparation see   (Details)

Services| Complete Descriptions






Disclaimer: 1
When considering fine-scale (coarse-grained) mapping projects, note that  the maps, data, diagrams, and/or drawings created are representations of the landscape.  No guarantee as to their geospatial accuracy is expressed or implied.

Disclaimer: 2
Vertical position, i.e. -- depth, of buried lines is to be supplied by client drawings unless otherwise arranged.  Pipeline assumed to lay within 2 m either side of markers.  Assume buried pipe and exposed pipe have same dimensions.  Exposed lines guaranteed accurate to within 1 m.  No horizontal or vertical accuracy expressed or implied on buried lines.

Disclaimer: 3
Due to ambiguities in Google Earth’s spatial reference frame, no accuracy is expressed or implied for data provided in KML/KMZ   format.

Disclaimer: 4
Due to differences in proprietary algorithms and road maps between GPS Navigators, no guarantee of navigational efficiency is expressed or implied.

Disclaimer: 5
Regarding Buried Features such as wellheads| Although CNCC_LLC has been 90% successful in finding buried wellheads, locating ferrous objects such as a wellhead is often complicated because other items from a reclaimed location are buried alongside marking and/or monument plates. Large metal objects yield false readings and concrete obstructions block or hinder excavation. Purported positions for wells have been more than ½ mile distant to the actual site. Due to many factors beyond our control, CNCC_LLC cannot guarantee a successful locate of below ground or underwater objects.

Disclaimer: 6
Assumes features visible and readily accessible.

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